Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Technology (PEMF) Corrects Electrical Imbalance
Dr. Bruce Withers, with offices in Denver and Newton, NC, has been offering this advanced technology since 2009. PEMF has also been known as Pulse Magnetic Cellular Exercise or PMCE and has been shown to restore the electrical potential of a cell, thereby stimulating the bodies’ natural healing ability.
The regular tuning of our cellular system is needed to address the needs of the cell. This tuning or charging of the over 70 trillion cells can aid in slowing aging and lowering the risk of cell dysfunction. Using pulsed electromagnetic fields cells can be charged.
Cellular magnetic therapy and/or exercise use electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue and bone. Each magnetic pulse induces an electrical signal that stimulates cellular rehabilitation and exercise. When a pulsing magnetic field penetrates into a bone, the pulsing magnetic effects cause tiny mechanical movements. This creates small electrical currents inside the bones and cells.
PEMF’s work to:
- Reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and platelet adhesion.
- Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells.
- Balance the immune system and stimulate RNA and DNA.
- Accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue.
- Relax muscles.
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Technology – FAQ
What is PEMF?
PEMF Technology delivers ultra-fast, low to high intensity, gently pulsing magnetic fields that bathe electrically imbalanced cells in pure, raw energy.
What does PEMF do?
It restores optimal cell voltage by recharging the electrical gradient in the cell.
Why do I need it?
Harold Saxton Burr, PHD. proved that the foundation of Pain | Injury | Ill Health is electrical imbalances. Therefore, if corrected the body can ultimately repair and defend itself from almost any disease. PEMF supports the cells’ need for proper electrical balance to regain or maintain metabolic functions and optimal health. PEMF provides the essential energy needed to repair and rejuvenate.
“If the electrical imbalance is corrected, the disease does not manifest” …Harold Saxton Burr, PHD
Who can benefit from PEMF?
Everyone who wants to feel rejuvenated.
How often do I need to be recharged?
Because PEMF provides your cells with vital energy, recharging should be a regular part of every patient’s wellness plan. PEMF is best utilized in a concentrated series of sessions to maximize the results.
Are you Charged?
Just like your cells, the earth acts as a battery and is electrically charged. lightning is essential for keeping the earth’s charge at a healthy level. if lightning didn’t strike the earth, the atmosphere (which provides oxygen and protects us from radiation) would disappear.
Why continue in PAIN?
Too much stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields (like those from cell phones, towers, Wi-Fi and electrical appliances) cause problems in your body.
Your cells’ energy or charges are depleted, so your body can feel rundown, has more pain and can’t heal itself properly. we often learn to live with chronic pain and fatigue, and begin to think that is “NORMAL”
PEMF sends electromagnetic fields into the body, recharging your trillions of cells and giving your body the energy, it needs to repair what ails you. Bringing your cells back to the charge they need gives your more energy, reduces pain and revitalizes your lifestyle.
PEMF Therapy Reduces Pain
Many studies have demonstrated the positive effects of PEMF therapy on patients with pain, even as opposed to receiving traditional treatment, as well as against a placebo group getting no treatment. Some studies focused on the rapid, short-term relief while others demonstrate the long-term effects. The effectiveness of PEMF therapy has been demonstrated in a wide variety of painful conditions.
In a study entitled: ―Double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the treatment of migraine with PEMF‖, Sherman et al (Orthopedic Surgery Service, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA, USA) evaluated 42 subjects who met the International Headache Society’s criteria. During the first month of follow-up with exposure to PEMF, 73% of those receiving actual exposure, reported decreased headaches with 45% a substantial decrease and 14% an excellent decrease. Ten of the 22 subjects who had received actual exposure received two additional weeks of actual exposure, after their initial month. All showed decreased headache activity with 50% a substantial decrease and 38% an excellent decrease. Sherman R. et.al concluded that exposure to PEMF for at least 3 weeks is an effective, short-term intervention for migraine.
Jorgensen et al (1994 International Pain Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA) studied the effects of PEMF on tissue trauma and concluded: ―Unusually effective and long-lasting relief of pelvic pain of gynecological origin has been obtained consistently by short exposures of affected areas to the application of a magnetic induction device. Treatments are short, fasting- acting, economical, and in many instances have obviated surgery‖. Patients with typical cases such as dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, ruptured ovarian cyst, acute lower urinary tract infection, post-operative haematoma, and persistent dyspareunia who had not received analgesic medication were treated with pulsed magnetic field treatment and evaluated. The results showed that 90% of the patients experienced marked, even dramatic relief, while 10% reported less than complete pain.
Hedén P, Pilla AA. (2008 Department of Plastic Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden) studied the Effects of pulsed electro-magnetic fields on postoperative pain in breast augmentation patients. She notes: ―Postoperative pain may be experienced after breast augmentation surgery despite advances in surgical techniques, which minimize trauma. The use of pharmacological analgesics and narcotics may have undesirable side effects that can add to patient morbidity‖. This study was undertaken to determine if PEMF could provide pain control after breast augmentation. Postoperative pain data were obtained and showed that pain had decreased in the treated patient group by nearly a factor of three times that for the control group. Patient use of postoperative pain medication correspondingly also decreased nearly three times faster in the active versus the sham groups. Hedén P and Pilla AA concluded: “Pulsed electro- magnetic field therapy, adjunctive to standard of care, can provide pain control with a noninvasive modality and reduce morbidity due to pain medication after breast augmentation surgery”.
The Clinical Rheumatology Journal, volume 26-1, January 2007 (Springer London) reported on the Effectiveness of PEMF therapy in lateral epicondylitis by Kaan Uzunca , Murat Birtane and Nurettin Taştekin (Trakya University Medical Faculty Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Edirne, Turkey): “We aimed to investigate the efficacy of PEMF in lateral epicondylitis comparing the modality with sham PEMF and local steroid injection”. Patients with lateral epicondylitis were randomly and equally distributed into three groups. One group received PEMF, another sham PEMF, and the third group a corticosteroid + anesthetic agent injection. Pain levels during rest, activity, nighttime, resisted wrist dorsiflexion, and forearm supination were investigated with visual analog scale (VAS). Pain threshold on elbow was determined with an Algometer. All patients were evaluated before treatment, at the third week and the third month. Pain levels were significantly lower in the group treated with the local steroid at the third week, but the group treated with PEMF had lower pain during rest, activity and nighttime than the group receiving steroids at the third month.
Lau (School of Medicine, Loma University, USA) reported on the application of PEMF therapy to the problems of diabetic retinopathy. Patients were treated over a 6-week period, 76% of the patients had a reduction in the level of numbness and tingling. All patients had a reduction of pain, with 66% reporting that they were totally pain-free.
Sanseverino et al (1999, Universita di Bologna, Italy) studied the therapeutic effects of PEMF on joint diseases, in chronic as well as acute conditions on more than 3,000 patients over a period of 11 years. Follow-up was pursued as constantly as possible. Pain removal, recovery of joint mobility and maintenance of the improved conditions represented the parameters for judging the results as good or poor. The chi-square test was applied in order to evaluate the probability that the results are not casual. A general average value of 78.8% of good results and 21.2% of poor results was obtained. A higher, 82% of good results were observed when single joint diseases were considered and 66% of good results with respect to multiple joint diseases (polyarthrosis). The high percentage of good results obtained and the absolute absence of both negative results and undesired side-effects led to the conclusion that PEMF treatment is an excellent physical therapy in cases of joint diseases. A hypothesis is advanced that external magnetic fields influence transmembrane ionic activity.
In a 2008 randomized clinical trial to determine if a physics-based combination of simultaneous static and time-varying dynamic magnetic field stimulation to the wrist can reduce subjective neuropathic pain and influence objective electrophysiologic parameters of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, Weintraub et al report:” PEMF exposure in refractory carpal tunnel syndrome provides statistically significant short- and long-term pain reduction and mild improvement in objective neuronal functions.”
In a 2009 evidence-based analysis on the use of PEMF therapy in clinical plastic surgery, Strauch et al (Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA) explain: ‖Our objective was to review the major scientific breakthroughs and current understanding of the mechanism of action of PEMF therapy… The results show that PEMF therapy has been used successfully in the management of postsurgical pain and edema, the treatment of chronic wounds, and in facilitating vasodilatation and angiogenesis… with no known side effects for the adjunctive, noninvasive, nonpharmacologic management of postoperative pain and edema… Given the recent rapid advances in development of PEMF devices what has been of most significance to the plastic surgeon is the laboratory and clinical confirmation of decreased pain and swelling following injury or surgery”.
Because of the interaction between the biological systems and natural magnetic fields, PEMFs can affect pain perception in many different ways.
PEMF Therapy Blocks Pain
PEMF therapy has shown to be effective at reducing pain both in the short-term and in the long-term. The ways by which PEMF therapy relieves pain include pain blocking, decreased inflammation, increased cellular flexibility, increased blood and fluids circulation, and increased tissue oxygenation.
The trans-membrane potential, (―TMP‖) is the voltage difference (or electrical potential difference) between the interior and exterior of a cell. An electrochemical gradient results from a spatial variation of both an electrical potential and a chemical concentration across a membrane. Both components are often due to ion gradients, particularly proton gradients, and the result is a type of potential energy available for cellular metabolism. This can be calculated as a thermodynamic measure, an electrochemical potential that combines the concepts of energy stored in the form of chemical potential, which accounts for an ion’s concentration gradient across a cellular membrane, and electrostatics, which accounts for an ion’s tendency to move relative to the TMP. Differences in concentration of ions on opposite sides of a cellular membrane produce the TMP. The largest contributions usually come from sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl–) ions which have high concentrations in the extra cellular region, and potassium (K+) ions, which along with large protein anions have high concentrations in the intracellular region. Opening or closing of ion channels for ion transport (Na+, Ca2+, K+, Cl-) in and out of cells at one point in the membrane produces a local change in the TMP, which causes an electric current to flow rapidly to other points in the membrane that occurs with the movement of electrons.
In electrically excitable cells such as neurons, the TMP is used for transmitting signals from one part of a cell to another. In non-excitable cells, and in excitable cells in their baseline states, the TMP is held at a relatively stable value, called the resting potential. For neurons, typical values of the resting potential range from -70 to – 80 mV (mill Volts); that is, the interior of a cell has a negative baseline voltage. Each axon has its characteristic resting potential voltage and in each case the inside is negative relative to the outside.
Opening and closing of ion channels can induce a departure from the resting potential, called a depolarization if the interior voltage rises (say from -70 mV to -65 mV), or a hyper polarization if the interior voltage becomes more negative (for example, changing from -70 mV to -80 mV).
In excitable cells, a sufficiently large depolarization can evoke a short-lasting all-or-nothing event called an action potential, in which the TMP very rapidly undergoes a large change, often reversing its sign. Special types of voltage-dependent ion channels that generate action potentials but remain closed at the resting TMP can be induced to open by a small depolarization.
In a lecture on Pain Reduction, Dr. D. Laycock, Ph.D. Med. Eng. MBES, MIPEM, B.Ed., inspired by the works of Adams et al (1997) explain how PEMF therapy affects pain transmission at the levels of the neurons. “It is necessary to understand the mechanism of pain transmission to understand how pain blocking can take place with PEMF therapy. Pain is transmitted along the nerve cells by an electric signal. This signal encounters synaptic gaps at intervals. The pain signals are transmitted along nerve cells to pre-synaptic terminals. At these terminals, channels in the cell alter due to a movement of ions. The TMP changes, causing the release of a chemical transmitter from a synaptic vesicle contained within the membrane. The pain signal is chemically transferred across the synaptic gap to chemical receptors on the post-synaptic nerve cell. This all happens in about 1/2000th of a second, as the synaptic gap is only 20 to 50 nm (nano meters) wide. As the pain signal, in chemical form, approaches the post- synaptic cell, the membrane changes and the signal is transferred. During quiescent times, cells possess a small charge of about –70mV between the inner and outer membranes. When a pain signal arrives, it temporarily depolarizes the nociceptive cell and raises the cell TMP to +30mV. This increase is sufficient to open channels in the cell membrane allowing the exchange of the sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions.”
When an action potential begins, the channels that allow crossing of the Na+ ions open up. When the Na+ channels open, the depolarization occurs, the Na+ rushes in because both of the greater concentration of Na+ on the outside and the more positive voltage on the outside of the axon. The flow of positively charged ions into the axon leads the axon to become positively charged relative to the outside. With each positively charged Na+ ion that enters the axon, another positive charge is inside and one fewer negative charge is outside the axon. Thus, together the inside grows increasingly more positive andthe relative concentration of Na+ inside the axon relative to outside the axon grows greater. This initial phase of the action potential is called the depolarization phase. Now as the depolarization phase progresses, the status of the two physical forces that have been discussed changes. At the end of the depolarization phase, the voltage of the inside of the axon relative to the outside is positive and the relative concentration of Na+ ions inside the axon is greater than at the beginning of the action potential. The inside of the axon becomes sufficiently positive, about +30 mV as an average value, the Na+ channels close. This closing of the Na+ channels will greatly limit the ability of Na+ ions to enter the axon. In addition to the Na+ channels closing, the potassium (K+) channels open. Now K+ ions are free to cross the channels and now leave the axon due both to the greater concentration of K+ on the inside and the reversed voltage levels. The action potential is therefore not the movement of voltage or ions but the flow of these ion channels opening and closing moving down the axon.
This movement of the ion channels explains why the action potential is transferred slowly relative to the normal flow of electricity. The normal flow electricity is the flow of electrons in an electrical field and the electrons travel at the speed of light while the movement of these ion channels opening and closing is considerably slower. These are mechanical movements that cannot move as fast as the speed of light.
The exchange of the sodium (NA+) and potassium (K+) ions then triggers exocytosis of neurotransmitters via synaptic vesicles. These neurotransmitters diffuse into the synaptic gap. Once this process has occurred, the cell depolarizes back to its previous level of –70mV. Research by Warnke established that the application of PEMF therapy has an effect on the quiescent potential of the neuronal synaptic membrane (Warnke, 1983; Warnke et al 1997). “ It suggested that the effect is to lower the potential to a hyperpolarized level of –90mV. When a pain signal is received, the TMP has to be raised again in order to fire an action potential via neurotransmitters but it only achieves to raise the cell TMP to an approximate +10mV. This potential is well below the threshold of +30mV necessary to release the relevant neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft and the pain signal is effectively blocked”.
By causing a hyperpolarized state at the neuronal membrane, PEMF therapy effectively blocks pain as it prevents the threshold necessary to transmit the pain signal to be reached.
Similarly, PEMF therapy effectively increases the TMP of damaged cells thus allowing them to recover their functions, heal and improve their metabolism.
The Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health defines the use of Electrotherapy for pain relief as effective to manage both acute and chronic pain. In the Gate model of pain, the neural fibers that carry the signal for pain and those that carry the signal for proprioception (body and limb position) are mediated through the same central junction. Because signal transmission along pain fibers is slower than transmission along proprioception fibers, the Gate model suggests that intense stimulation of proprioception fibers can block the slower-moving pain signals.
That PEMF therapy effectively reduces pain in the short and long-term has been demonstrated but it is unclear whether the pain blocking mechanisms provides temporary relief while treatment occurs or can also lead to permanent changes with repeated treatments.
Low intensity PEMF, that is close to Nature’s frequencies and intensities works WITH the body, promotes the healing response and overall leads to better healing and regeneration (see NASA study conclusions below).
The Schumann Resonance Intensity is Only around 1 Picotesla?
Now I want to point out something rather astonishing. As essential as the Schumann resonance is for life and the health of our body, it is an incredibly WEAK PEMF signal.
The amplitude of the Schumann resonance magnetic field (~1 picotesla) is many orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth’s static or DC magnetic field (which is 33-66 microteslas).
Specialized receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances. The electric component is commonly measured with a ball antenna connected to a high-impedance amplifier. The magnetic induction coils typically consist of tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of turns of wire wound around a core of very high magnetic permeability.
What that means is very sensitive antennas are needed to tune into the Schumann resonance. And guess what? The organic magnetite in your body along with other biochemical crystalline arrays act as powerful receiving antennas to tune into the Schumann and amplify its signal. And there is a reason NASA and the Russian space program have used Schumann generators in their space capsules… Because its essential! Also Dr Rutger Wever’s pioneering research in underground bunkers along with zero field studies have further proved that the weak PEMF Schumann signal IS essential for life. And it’s a very weak signal confirming that frequency resonance is the key (like homeopathy), NOT INTENSITY!
A picotesla is one trillionth of a tesla. That is one picotesla = .000000000001 Tesla.
How can high intensity PEMF devices that are a trillion times stronger than the essential Schumann intensity possibily be safe and good for us?
Maybe Nature is giving us an important lesson that Homeopathy has been telling us for centuries:
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion…
The NASA PEMF Study – Confirms Low Intensity, Low Frequency is BEST
NASA 4-year collaborative study on the efficacy of electromagnetic fields to stimulate growth and repair in mammalian tissues.
CHIEF INVESTIGATOR: Thomas J. Goodwin, Ph.D. Lynden B Johnson Space Center
When it comes to research studies, it does not get any better than NASA. Of more than 10,000 research papers and 2000 plus double blind studies on PEMF therapy; none was more thorough and conclusive as the 4 year NASA study lead by Dr. Thomas Goodwin, PhD, on the ability of PEMF to improve the growth and repair of tissues in mammals.
Without getting into technical details of the study, I will summarize and share the main benefits of PEMF therapy that the NASA study conclusively demonstrated as well as the exact type of energy, frequency, intensity and waveform used.
The study was not limited to PEMF therapy, but also to various forms of energy medicine such as lasers, LEDs and static magnets. After finding PEMFs were the most effective in healing and regeneration, Dr. Goodwin and his team looked at many different parameters such as frequency, waveform, intensity, etc. What NASA found was that the best results and greatest efficacy came from Low Frequency, Low Intensity, and Rapidly varying PEMF signals. Basically frequencies and intensities that closely match what the earth gives us with a signal that produces maximum healing effects on the body!
Specifically, NASA found the best results with the PEMF parameters below:
- Rapid Time Varying Waveform – Specifically the Square wave (sawtooth also fits this criteria)
- Low Frequency: 10 Hz (close to the frequencies of earth)
- Low Intensity: ~10-200 milligauss (1 – 20 microtesla) which is even less than the strength of the earth’s magnetic field (33 – 66 microtesla).
Additionally, NASA found that slowly varying (millisecond pulse, sine wave), non-varying (static magnetic) and LASERS had little or no effect.
NASA discovered that the benefits of low frequency, low intensity, rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or diseased tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth. NOTE: upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products.
This study is a landmark in proving the efficacy of PEMF therapy on human cells for healing, growth and regeneration, specifically human nerve cells. These findings confirm that the human body needs frequencies and intensities close to what the earth provides, along with a rapidly varying waveform. Any doubters or naysayers on the efficacy of PEMF therapy are ignorant of over 10,000 studies including a multi-million dollar study by NASA.
Also of note is that Dr. Goodwin has a patent on a PEMF device that uses these parameters. Also NASA’s prototype developed at the Johnson Space center uses the low frequency, low intensity rapidly varying waveform.
Link to NASA Study See Bottom of Pg 12 OF ACTUAL NASA Study – Pg 18 of Document itself for intensity information
The NASA Study Confirms that Low Intensity is MORE effective!
So again look for yourself at the NASA study on PAGE 12 of the study (page 18 of the actual document).
After trying many permutations of intensity, frequency and waveform, NASA concluded that low intensity, low frequency (similar to Schumann) with a rapid rise and fall (square wave and sawtooth), is the most effective PEMF energy you can use for healing and regeneration!
The intensities they found most beneficial were in the 1-20 microtesla or 10-200 milligauss range which is even WEAKER than the weakest field DC field strengths on earth (but very close).
Along with the FACT that the Schumann resonance is only 1 picotesla, this 4 year, multimillion dollar NASA study is the BEST proof that lower intensity PEMF is the way to go, and that there is NO REASON to waste your money on higher intensity systems that cost $10,000-$30,000+++.
Understanding the Units of Intensity
I have talked to literally thousands of people about PEMF therapy and A LOT of people are confused about intensity, Gauss vs Tesla, what is uT, etc.
Tesla is the SI unit for Magnetic Field Strength or Magnetic flux density. This unit is the overall strength or intensity of the magnetic field around an object and decreases with distance.
Gauss is another unit for Magnetic Field Strength and it should be noted that Tesla and Gauss BOTH MEASURE THE SAME THING, just like Meters and Yards both measure distance.
Here is the relationship
1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss
1 Gauss = .00001 Tesla
The prefix milli is 1/1000
The prefix micro is 1/1,000,000
The prefix nano is 1/1,000,000,0000
The prefix pico is 1/1,000,000,000,000
These prefixes apply to ALL units of measure in science.
So a microtesla which is abbreviated uT = 1/1,000,000 of a Tesla
Hopefully I can best illustrate all the units by using the familiar earth as an example.
Many PEMF devices use Microtesla because the Earth itself is 33-66 Microtesla from the Equator to the Poles. In Gauss this would be .33-.66 Gauss.
But its VERY important to note that this is the Strength of the Earth’s DC or Static Field. The earth also has a pulse, or a frequency. The primary frequency of the earth as we discussed is the Schumann Resonance which has been proven to be essential for life. But the Intensity of the Schumann is only 1 picotesla or about 1/50,000 the strength of the earth’s DC field.
So much for the More is Better Myth. The earth’s ACTUAL PEMF (not static field) is incredibly weak, which the NASA study confirms that we weaker PEMF fields actually worked BETTER!! And they are more safe.
The Laying on the Grass Myth
High Intensity systems like to claim that lower intensity PEMF devices are ineffective because you can just lay on the grass to get the earth’s natural field strength.
Well, we just exposed the flaw in this reasoning. Laying on the grass is giving you a PEMF intensity in the picotesla. Earth Based Centurion Systems PEMF Coil Technology is actually giving you a VERY concentrated PEMF intensity compared to the earth. Again we are talking about PEMF, not the earth’s static field.
Many static magnetic products use intensities that are upwards to 12,000 Gauss or around 1.2 Tesla. But interestingly the NASA study, Eastern European Studies and others showed that static magnetics do not work as well weak PEMF signals which are more effective than any stronger static magnets. In fact when magnets were first rigorously studied in Eastern Europe in the late 70’s and 80’s, they found that PEMF or pulsing magnetic fields worked better, so much of the research shifted to PEMF. Since then over 10,0000 studies have been conducted with PEMF therapy making it the most effective, best researched form of energy medicine available today. Just remember that More is not better, BETTER IS BETTER. And in the case of PEMF therapy, is beneficial!
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